Healthy Lent Recipes: Latin-Inspired Fish and Seafood

A collection of 17 Healthy Lent Recipes – all Latin-inspired fish and seafood main dishes – for the practicing Christian to bring much-needed flavor and variety to what can sometimes be described as “tedious” and “boring.” You’ll find light and lively ceviche recipes, seafood tacos, soups and stews, and spicy, saucy fish. Take a look and up your Lenten “game!”

If you prefer to skip all my jabber, see below to go straight to all the delicious Latin-inspired fish and seafood recipes!

A collage of healthy Latin-inspired fish and seafood recipes for Lent.

Lent is a time for reconsidering our feelings, for letting our eyes be opened to injustice, to open our hearts to those suffering.

~~ Pope Francis

As a recent Baptist-turned-Episcopalian, I realized I knew next to nothing about Lent. Given that the liturgy of the church was a major factor in our decision to make the change, I decided now is the time to learn what this ancient liturgy is all about. (Wednesday February 26 to Thursday April 9 in 2020).

Lent is not really about food, but because I am a food writer and recipe creator, the food aspect of Lent is of particular importance. When our sons were younger, all 4 of them worked (at different times) for Red Lobster in Las Cruces, NM. I remember finding the emphasis on “endless shrimp” rather amusing.

I have also seen an emphasis on less healthy options like McDonald’s fillet o’ fish and fat-laden macaroni and cheese. And whatever you do, no fish sticks! Yuck! 🤮 In bringing you this collection of healthy Lent recipes, I decided to focus on what else? – Latin-inspired fish and seafood dishes…

What is Lent?

Lent is the period of forty days before Easter in the Christian calendar, traditionally a time of fasting and reflection. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and begins with Ash Wednesday.

The three main things people tend to focus on are fasting (abstaining from food), prayer, and giving of time and money. You may (or may not) have heard that animal proteins are not consumed during Lent, rather the emphasis is on fish and plant proteins.

Lent involves some level of sacrifice on the part of the believer, but it varies widely. Last year I gave up political posts. LOL. Some people give up alcohol.

As to food, the “rules” are loose, and I haven’t known of anyone policing what we do and do not eat. It really is a personal thing between the believer and God.

What can I eat during Lent?

Healthy Lent Recipes of course! On Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays during Lent:



  • fish and seafood
  • eggs
  • milk
  • cheese
  • vegetables
  • grains
  • beef
  • pork
  • poultry of any kind
  • deer
  • rabbit
  • basically all animals

In addition to avoiding animal proteins, reducing consumption is widely practiced. If you are observing Lent with your diet, it is important to keep your meals varied, interesting, and HEALTHY!

Enjoy these gorgeous and tasty dishes! In the spirit of love…

Signature in red and green with chiles and limes. Healthyish Latin cuisine.

🍤 Healthy Lent Recipes

Healthy Lent Recipes: Latin-Inspired Fish and Seafood

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